Symptoms Treated With Acupuncture
- Musculoskeletal pain
- Dental pain
- Post-surgical pain
- Stress
- Insomnia
- Digestive issues
- Menstrual issues
- Neurological conditions
- Hormonal imbalances
- Respiratory illness
- Skin conditions
- Mental-emotional distress
There is a saying in the Chinese medical classics which speaks to the holistic nature of this approach: "Same disease different treatment; different disease, same treatment."
Physical symptoms are signposts to underlying imbalances. For example, a pattern of dampness might manifest as a dull headache which is worse in foggy weather or after consuming greasy foods. Accompanying symptoms might include lethargy and cloudy thinking. Treatment would be very different than it would be for a headache from a heat imbalance, yet it would be basically the same as treatment for lethargy from dampness.
Patients often remark that they are feeling improvement in all aspects of their health, not just the symptom that brought them in for treatment. We always make a pattern diagnosis and communicate diet and lifestyle changes that will help resolve any imbalance.
About Us
George has a wide background of study in Eastern health modalities, including martial arts, yoga, tai chi, and of course, acupuncture and herbal medicine.
Conditions Treated
Patients often remark that they are feeling improvement in all aspects of their health, not just the symptom that brought them in for treatment.